Ferney Lee Primary School

Great things happen here

Ferney Lee Road, Todmorden,
Lancs, OL14 5NR

01706 254848



Please visit your child's Seesaw account regularly for updates on their learning.

Welcome to Ferney Lee Nursery 

Spring 2

This half term we are starting off looking at the story of 'Jack and the Beanstalk' and thinking about vocabulary to describe length.  We'll be planting broadbean seeds and watching them grow. and going on walks around our school grounds to look for signs of spring.  Other topics for this half term include Space, Dinosuars, Our Bodies and Easter.  As usual we'll be linking lots of stories, songs and activities to each of our topics.  Enter text...

Spring 1

We are starting off this half term thinking about birds that visit our school.  We'll be focusing on books like 'Owl Babies' and 'A Busy day for Birds'; making bird feeders and using our binoculars to spot and learn the names of different types of birds.  We'll then move on to learning about different jobs that people do as well as celebrating Chinese New Year.  Our traditional tale this half term will be 'Little Red Riding Hood'.  

Autumn 2

In autumn 2 we focused our learning on the seasons and getting ready for Christmas - making mince pies; decorating a tree for the Christmas tree festival at the Hippodrome and putting on a show for our grown ups!

 Autumn 1

Look how well we are settling in!

Autumn 1 in Nursery

The children are already settling into Nursery so well and beginning to explore their new classroom and outdoor area.  This half term the staff will be focusing on getting to know the children and making sure we are doing everything we can to help them feel safe and secure. Please speak to us if you have any concerns or if there is anything you think we can do to help your child with their transition to our nursery.

We plan thematically but these plans often change in response to the direction that the children take their learning in. If your child has a specific or new interest please always let us know and we will try and incorporate it into the learning.

For the first half term we will be focusing on families and babies - 3 of our families are expecting new arrivals in the next few weeks!  We'll also be exploring friends and feelings, our homes and autumn.  Some of the books we'll be reading are, 'The Colour Monster', 'The Paper Dolls', 'Goodnight Owl' and 'Room on the Broom'.




Information about our nursery

All three year-olds are entitled to 15 hours of free nursery education. Some, are eligible for 30 hours. However, at Ferney Lee, we have taken the decision to offer 30 hours free Nursery education to ALL families. 

For more information about this please contact the school office. 


School meal - £2.50 (your child can bring a packed lunch if they choose)

To find out if you are eligible for Free School Meals, please contact the school office.

       Mrs Cook - class teacher Monday, Tuesday and                              Wednesday morning. 

        Mrs Dumville - Class teacher Wednesday                                   afternoon, Thursday and Friday.

Mrs Pitt - Teaching Assistant 

                   Mrs Firth - Teaching Assistant

                           Miss Louisa - Teaching Assistant

Ferney Lee Road, Todmorden,
Lancs, OL14 5NR

01706 254848
