Welcome to Year 4!
What are Year 4 learning about in Spring 2?
This half term, our Historical enquiry question is:
'How did the Romans change Britain?'
In our History lessons will learn how and why the Romans invaded Britain, why there were three different invasions, what Roman towns in Britain were like, who Boudicca was and why she is remembered, why the Romans left Britain and what legacy was left here.
In English, we will base our writing on the class text: 'Revolt against the Romans' by Tony Bradman and we will write letters and persuasive speeches.
In Maths, we will learn about fractions. We will be exploring families of common equivalent fractions, counting up and down in hundredths and tenths, learning that hundredths arise when dividing an object by one hundred and dividing tenths by ten and learnt how to simplify fractions and find fractions of an amount.
In Science, we will start our 'Sound' unit. We will identify how sounds are made by recognising and exploring vibrations and what happens when these vibrations reach our ear.
In PE, we will continue to learn new skills in the water in our weekly swimming lessons every Wednesday and we will have Badminton lessons every Thursday.
In PSHE/RHE, we will focus on 'Families and other Relationships' and answer the question, 'Why are relationships important in our lives?'
In French, we will learn about the different food and drink delicacies of the country.
Our Learning in Spring 1...
Last half term, our Geographical enquiry question was:
'Why do our seas and oceans need protecting?'
In our Geography lessons we learnt where the oceans and seas are, what lives in the ocean and where, why the oceans matter, what is harming our oceans and what we can do to help save and look after our oceans. Linking to this topic, we went on a trip to The Blue Planet Aquarium.
In English, we wrote diary entries and letters.
Our class reading book linking to our topic was, 'Song of the Dolphin Boy' by Elizabeth Laird.
In Maths, we finished our Multiplication and Division units where we learnt our times tables up to 12 x 12, how to use different written methods for multiplication and division and find remainders. We also completed our unit on finding Area.
In Science, our topic was 'Electricity'. We explored common appliances that run on electricity, constructed simple electrical circuits, learnt about switches and common conductors and insulators.
In PE, we continued to learn new skills in the water in our weekly swimming lessons every Wednesday and took part in a dance unit every Thursday.
In Art, we learnt how artists use sketchbooks in a painting and collage 'Chromatic' unit.
In Music, we learnt how to rock and roll! We learnt the origin and features of rock and roll music before then performing a piece as a class.
In PSHE/RHE, our focus was on 'Caring and Responsibility' and answered the question, 'What are our rights and why are they important?'
Our Learning in Autumn 2...
In Autumn 2, our Historical enquiry question was:
'Why were the Romans such a successful ruling empire?'
In our History lessons we learnt how Rome was founded, what life was like in the Roman Empire and what it was like to be a Roman soldier.
In English, we wrote 'Roman Gods' non-chronological reports.
Our class reading books were 'Romans on the Rampage' by Jeremy Strong and 'Empire's End: A Roman Story' by Leila Rasheed.
In Maths, we completed our addition and subtraction unit where we used different skills and strategies to add and subtract within 4 digit numbers before moving onto our Multiplication and Division unit.
In Science, we completed our topic on 'Animals including humans'. In this topic, we answered the enquiry question, 'What happens in our digestive systems?'
In Design and Technology, we designed, made and build different structures before making our own pavilions. We also designed and made our own Roman shields.
In PE, we continued to learn new skills in the swimming pool every Wednesday and learnt new gymnastic skills every Friday.
In PSHE/RHE, we explored similarities and differences by answering the enquiry question, 'Why is identity and diversity so important?'
In RE, we completed our unit which explored the question, 'What faiths are shared in our country?' We learnt about different places of worship in the local and wider community and their significance to believers.
In French, we learnt how to talk and write about clothing, and this vocabulary into sentences to show our likes and dislikes.
In Computing, we will finished our unit on online safety before starting our unit on Scratch.
Our Learning in Autumn 1...
In our first half term, our Geographical enquiry question was:
'How would living in Italy compare with living in England?'
In our Geography lessons, we compared the climate, crops, physical geography, settlements, landmarks and capital cities of England and Italy.
In English, we completed a Place Value of Punctuation and Grammar unit concentrating on different nouns, verbs and clauses to create accurate sentence structure.
For our class text, we read, 'The Boy who Biked the World, Part One: On the Road to Africa' by Alastair Humphreys.
In Maths, we learnt about the Place Value of numbers up to 10,000, which includes rounding, ordering, comparing and representing numbers in different ways and began our Addition and Subtraction Unit.
In Science, we began to explore, 'States of Matter' by answering the enquiry question, 'Can a material change from being a solid, a liquid or a gas?'
In Art, we completed a 'Monochrome' unit where we learnt how artists create perspective, how they use line, shape, and value to create a sense of form, and about different shading techniques.
In PE, we began weekly swimming lessons on a Wednesday and learnt how to play as part of a team during Tag Rugby lessons every Thursday.
In Music, we used a mixture of body percussion and tuned percussion instruments to create own rhythms of the rainforest.
In PSHE/RHE, we answered the question, 'How can we make and maintain a good friendship?'
In RE, we completed our unit called, 'How are important events remembered?' where we explored festivals of light from Judaism, Sikhism, Hinduism, Paganism, Chinese New Year and Ancient Civilisations.
In French, we learnt adjectives for describing people’s physical appearance and their personality. We then created simple sentences ensuring that the adjectives agree with the gender of the noun.
In Computing, we explored how to stay safe online.
Keep checking our individual Learning Journeys on Seesaw for photos of us enjoying our learning!
Meet the staff...
Miss Blanchard (Class Teacher)
Miss Bury (HLTA)
Mrs Adams (Teaching Assistant)
Welcome to our Library...
Below are the some of texts and literature we will be using in Year 4 to support the delivery of our curriculum.
Below are the some of texts and literature we will be using in Year 4 to support the delivery of our PSHE and RHE curriculum.
Throughout the year, we add the books we read as a class to our beautiful Class Reading tree on the wall outside our classroom.
Ferney Lee Road, Todmorden,
Lancs, OL14 5NR
01706 254848