Ferney Lee Primary School

Great things happen here

Ferney Lee Road, Todmorden,
Lancs, OL14 5NR

01706 254848


SEND and Inclusion

Helping everyone to succeed...

Celebrating Autism Awareness Week at Ferney Lee

Ferney Lee is very proud of its reputation for inclusion and

celebrating diversity in our community.

Our SENCO, Emily Blanchard, has a PG Cert. in Special Educational Co-ordination.

She can be contacted on the main school

number 01706 254848.

Emily Blanchard, SENCO and Deputy Head
Emily Blanchard, SENCO and Deputy Head

Click on the link below to read a short leaflet explaining the SEND register at Ferney Lee 

SEND Information Leaflet for Parents


Meeting our Children’s Needs

At Ferney Lee we provide learning which meets the needs of every child. Like most schools we have a number of pupils who have additional educational needs.

Children with additional or special educational needs may need extra help and support from us and we have a dedicated learning mentor, support assistants and teaching assistants who, alongside class teachers, will provide support for these children.

To ensure that children’s individual needs are met and the necessary support is given, we liaise with a range of outside agencies in order to get support and guidance wherever needed.

The following documents provide further information about SEND here at Ferney Lee: 

SEND Policy 23-24

SEND Information Report 23-24

SEND in the Curriculum

Accessibility Plan

For support from Calderdale, please visit the link below for information on services and support for children and young people aged 0 - 25, with special educational needs and disabilities.

Calderdale's Local Offer for SEND Children

SEND Interventions

In order to support the children on our SEND register, Ferney Lee provides a wide range of additional interventions and strategies to help our pupils in all areas of their learning. Below are just some of these interventions, broken down into the main areas of need:

Cognition and Learning

Read Write Inc. – Scheme developed by Ruth Miskin. Half hour daily phonics sessions teach children to read accurately and fluently with good comprehension. They learn to form each letter, spell correctly, and compose their ideas step-by-step.

Number box – The Number Box is a multi-sensory teaching programme and maths resource. It is designed for those children who struggle with maths for one of several reasons.

Tables Table Rockstars – Times table programme which can be used as extra practice in home and at school.

Nessy Reading and Writing – Nessy programs are designed to help students of all abilities learn to read, write, spell and type, especially those who learn differently.

Precision Teaching - programme to meet the needs of an individual child who is experiencing difficulty with acquiring or maintaining some skills. It has an inbuilt monitoring function and is basically a means of evaluating the effectiveness of what is being taught.

Communication and Interaction

Word Wizard – SALT resource used for key topic vocabulary. 

Black Sheep - Intervention which uses worksheets, pictures and cue cards to develop children's speech and language. For children with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) and speech, language & communication needs (SLCN),

SULP (Social Use of Language Programme) - A cohesive framework developed by Dr Wendy Rinaldi (Doctorate in Educational Psychology and Special Needs) used to enhance personal, emotional and social development from a communication and thinking skills perspective.

Lego Therapy - LEGO® based therapy is a social development programme which helps children and young people with autism spectrum disorders and related social communication difficulties, such as Asperger’s Syndrome. The programme is based on the highly structured, systematic and predictable nature of LEGO play which makes it appealing to children with social communication difficulties who are particularly attracted to systems.

Social Stories - A tool to help individuals on the autism spectrum or children with autistic tendencies better understand the nuances of interpersonal communication so that they can interact in an effective and appropriate manner.

1:1 LINGO SALT Therapist Support - We have our own Speech and Language Therapist in school once a fortnight who works closely with children teachers have identified as needing support. She also writes learning plans and supports TAs in implementing interventions and 1:1 target work for specific children. 

Social Circles - Circle time sessions are a well recognised tool for supporting children’s Personal, Social, Emotional, Communication, Language and Literacy Development. The skills required for children to successfully access circle time may not always develop naturally. Good sitting, good looking, good listening and good turn taking may need to be explicitly taught, revisited and reinforced. Focussing on these core elements of circle time will equip young children with the skills, confidence and motivation to fully participate in circle time sessions, and wider social contexts.

Early Talk Boost - Early Talk Boost is a targeted intervention aimed at 3-4 year old children who need help with talking and understanding words, helping to boost their language skills to narrow the gap between them and their peers.

Time to Talk - Time to talk has been specifically created to teach and develop social interaction skills and improve oral language skills for children aged between 4-6 years old. Time to talk contains over 40 sessions which are designed for children who will be seen two to three times each week.

Language for ThinkingLanguage for Thinking is a structured approach to develop children’s language from the ‘here and now’ to the ‘how and why’. 50 colour drawings form the backbone of the resource. Written scenarios and question sheets are provided so adults can ask carefully promote children’s verbal reasoning and thinking skills.

Language Legends - Language Legends is a programme of work designed to support the language of children between the ages of 8 and 11. It facilitates the learning of new words, builds children’s understanding and enables use of language. It also helps them to work more collaboratively with peers.

Chatterboxes - Chatterboxes are big boxes of games and activities to support listening, understanding and talking for 3 to 5 year old children. In the boxes are games, books and toys, plus over 50 activity cards written by experts to support children’s language. Activities are designed to be used flexibly and linked to themes commonly taught in the early years.


Sensory and/or Physical

Fine Motor Skills - Fine motor skills involve the use of the smaller muscle of the hands, such as when doing up buttons, opening lunch boxes or using pencils or scissors. Fine motor skill efficiency significantly influences the quality of the task outcome as well as the speed of task performance. Efficient fine motor skills require a number of independent skills to occur simultaneously to appropriately manipulate the object or perform the task. Children will be provided with a variety of different activities to develop and practice these skills.

Gross Motor Skills - Each session begins with some warm up exercises to improve the children’s balance, co-ordination, bi-lateral integration and spatial awareness. A range of equipment is used during the sessions that have been approved and recommended by physiotherapists and occupational therapists.

Sensory Circuits - The sensory circuit aims to facilitate sensory processing to help children regulate and organise their senses in order to achieve the 'just right' or optimum level of alertness required for effective learning. The circuit is an active, physical and fun activity that children enjoy doing.


Social, Emotional and Mental Health

Circle of Friends - A Circle of Friends is a group of pupils who have been brought together to support a student who is in danger of feeling isolated or left out. Circle of Friends is an approach to enhancing the inclusion, in a mainstream setting, of any young person who is experiencing difficulties in school because of a disability, personal crisis or because of their challenging behaviour towards others.

Learning Mentor Support - Our learning mentor works with children in a 1:1 or small group setting to support their social and emotional well-being. She also is a safe place for children to 'drop in' with whenever they need to. 

Zones of Regulation - Zones of Regulation is an approach used to support the development of self-regulation in children. All the different ways children feel and the states of alertness they experience are categorized into four coloured zones. Children who are well regulated are able to be in the appropriate zone at the appropriate time.


Self Help and Independence

Life Skills 

At Ferney Lee we also offer a 'Life Skills' intervention for some of our SEND children where they have access to a range of different skills and activities in order to develop social, physical, communication and emotional skills. Activities in this intervention include cooking sessions, bus trips, road safety, water safety, shopping trips,  and lots more. 


Class Teachers are very skilled at meeting most needs within their classroom provision.

If you have any questions please do come and speak to your child's teacher, or to Miss Blanchard.

 Support for Families

If you are concerned about the needs of your child or how we are supporting them, please feel free to email emily.blanchard@ferneylee.calderdale.sch.uk

Below are a few helpful links and resources to help both parents and children.


Please read the document below released by the local authority in January 2021

Calderdale Council Guidance for young people, and parents/carers of children with SEND in mainstream schools

Parents and carers in Calderdale have asked for advice, support and signposting to emotional health and wellbeing resources for their children. In response to this, Calderdale Open Minds Partnership have produced a number of clear and accessible leaflets around some key issues to help parents support their children with getting back to their school routine and alleviate any feelings of frustration, worry and uncertainty. These leaflets were created in partnership with mental health professionals, local parents/carers and commissioners. The leaflets can be found using the links below:  

Frustrated, cross or angry leaflet.pdf

Routine difficulties.pdf

Stressed worried or uncertain leaflet.pdf

For futher information from Open Minds, please visit their website at 


Other helpful websites for parents:  

Open Minds - provides advice, information, support and signposting on local and national emotional health and wellbeing services that help children, young people and families who are going through a difficult time. Click the link below to be taken directly to the parent and carer support section. 


Place2Be -  a children’s mental health charity with over 25 years’ experience working with pupils, families and staff in UK schools. Click the link below for their page on practical tips on how to support children's wellbeing and behaviour. 


Noah’s Ark - A confidential safe space in which to explore issues and feelings with a person who neither judges nor offers advice. This is available to adults and young people.



Please click on the link below which provides a variety of websites to support Children and Young People in Calderdale.

Emotional Health and Wellbeing Service Offer.pdf

The following are all apps recommended by gov.uk for children with SEND:

Brain Parade

Website: http://www.brainparade.com/products/see-touch-learn-free/

Description: a visual instruction app, including flash cards and picture-choosing games, for children with autism and special needs.


Website: https://www.helpkidzlearn.com/

Description: a collection of games and resources designed for a range of educational needs and stages. 

Sensory App House Ltd

Website: https://www.sensoryapphouse.com/

Description: a range of apps are available for pupils with Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties (PMLD) or Severe Learning Difficulties (SLD). All are interactive and many do not require significant coordination abilities.


Website: https://www.visuals2go.com/

Description: an all-in-one app created to support people with communication and learning difficulties. For verbal and non-verbal learners.


Ferney Lee Road, Todmorden,
Lancs, OL14 5NR

01706 254848
