Ferney Lee Primary School

Great things happen here

Ferney Lee Road, Todmorden,
Lancs, OL14 5NR

01706 254848


Introducing our Governors

To contact the Chair of Governors please email gareth.morris@ferneylee.calderdale.sch.uk

Governors - Our Goals 

Any pecuniary interests are declared below where relevant.

Full Governing Body Board


Gareth Morris 

Chair of Governors

Co-opted Governor 

Current office ends 12.07.26

Voting rights?  Yes 


 Kelly Williams


Voting rights? Yes.


Lucy Gibson

Co-opted Governor

Current office ends 29.03.26

Voting rights? Yes

Meggie Whittem

Staff Elected

Current office ends 07.12.26

Voting rights? Yes 


 Mike Smith

Parent Elected

Current office ends 07.12.26

Voting rights? Yes 



Danielle Colcombe

Vice-Chair of Governors

Co-opted Governor

Current office ends 10.11.28

Voting rights?  Yes

Tracy-Lee Lancaster

Co-opted Governor

Current office ends 10.07.28

Voting rights? Yes 



Ginny Blanchard

Co-opted Governor  

Current office ends 12.06.28

Voting rights?  Yes

Ginny is mother to Emily Blanchard (Deputy Headteacher) 

Ian Bairstow

Co-opted Governor

Current office ends 22.02.27

Voting rights? Yes 


Tariq Mahmood

Co-opted Governor

Current office ends 10.07.28

Voting rights? Yes 



Ray Biglin (Associated Governor)

Co-opted Governor

Current office ends 22.02.27

Voting rights? No


Liz Hinchliffe

Clerk to Governors

 Voting rights? No





Resources Committee

Gareth Morris - Chair of Committee

Mike Smith
Kelly Williams
Ginny Blanchard
Danielle Colcombe

Ferney Lee Road, Todmorden,
Lancs, OL14 5NR

01706 254848
