Curriculum Overview
PSHE and RSHE at Ferney Lee
“These subjects represent a huge opportunity to help our children and young people develop. The knowledge and attributes gained will support their own, and others’, wellbeing and attainment and help young people to become successful and happy adults who make a meaningful contribution to society.”
DfE Statutory Guidance for Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education
Our RSHE curriculum is designed so pupils are equipped with the information and skills to make healthy choices in all areas of their lives. Our curriculum prepares pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities, and experiences of adult life. It also gives pupils the knowledge they need to make informed decisions about their health and well-being whilst supporting pupils’ skills to recognise the importance of positive, healthy, and respectful relationships. We will promote tolerance and respect for others, and teach children the importance of equality and respect for diversity. Through our lessons, we will develop pupils’ self-respect and self-worth, confidence and empathy. In an ever-changing world, it is vital that children have all the information they need on who can help them, and what help and support is available, if they are not feeling safe so our lessons will also provide them with this. Our intention is not only for PSHE & RSE to be taught as a discrete subject; but to also be used in enhancing all other areas of the curriculum, children’s lives now, and their lives as adults.
PSHE and RSHE at Ferney Lee are taught following the Discovery Education scheme of work. Lessons are taught each week and the whole school follows the same half-termly theme, these lessons are tailored to meet the needs of the class. Please see our overview below for the full breakdown of coverage.
Our PSHE and RSHE Curriculum
Ferney Lee Road, Todmorden,
Lancs, OL14 5NR
01706 254848