Art & Design
At Ferney Lee we believe that:
"Every child is an artist." Pablo Picasso
Our curriculum aims to give every child the knowledge and skills they need to be able to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. To celebrate the children’s artistic achievements their work often forms the centrepiece of display throughout the school and elsewhere in the community when opportunities arise. Through a sketchbook philosophy, we encourage them in their critical thinking both of their own work, their peers and the work of great artists and craftspeople from a wide variety of cultures and time periods.
We want to enable all pupils to feel able to think and act creatively. That means exploring all aspects of creativity: personal and social, exploring art for a variety of reasons, in a variety of contexts. Most importantly, it means enjoying the journey, so that pupils want to engage in creative activities, and so that they can grow to appreciate and value the importance of art as a highly subjective and individual experience, but one which is capable of bringing people together.
The curriculum facilitates the learning of skills and knowledge in progression from Early Years through Key Stage One, Lower Key Stage Two and Upper Key Stage Two. We use KAPOW to guide our teaching and pedagogy and to map the progression through school.
Art is taught for 3 half terms of the year, which is alternated with Design and Technology. Discreetly taught units enable children to develop skills in drawing and painting, printing, collage, and sculpture and to explore and evaluate different creative ideas in their personal sketchbooks. Children will be introduced to a range of works and develop knowledge of the styles and vocabulary used by other artists, craftspeople and designers.
During a half term's unit, an hourly lesson will be taught each week. The children will have time to follow the creative process through from gathering ideas and inspiration, toward planning for and production of a final piece, and evaluation of their own and others work. Additional opportunities for Art and Design, are also provided to further explore and demonstrate skills, knowledge and creativity through the topics covered in Key Stages one and two, as well as during the continuous provision in the Early Years.
Art is celebrated in the school through display, the website, and social media. Opportunities to be involved in other local community art projects are embraced whenever possible, such as our work with the Windows of the World. By the time every child leaves the school they will have a bank of skills and knowledge that is rich, exciting and relevant, as well as the confidence to be able to explore art for their own pleasure and well-being, as well as engage in the curriculum their future education demands.
Art and Design slideshow
Ferney Lee Road, Todmorden,
Lancs, OL14 5NR
01706 254848