Year 1
What are Year 1 learning about this half term? |
Spring 2
This term, our History enquiry question is: Who was the best Queen- Victoria or Elizabeth II?
In English our class text is Leo and the Octopus, creating a fact file about octopuses. We will also write a story narrative from the story Alan's big scary teeth.
In Maths we will learn about subtraction within 20. Numbers to 50. Introducing length and height.
In Science we will learn about plants by answering the enquiry question 'Do all plants have the same structure? '
In DT, we will be making a moving story book, to share with the younger children in our school.
In PE, our unit is Gymnastics.
In Music we will learn about sound pitch. How to identify high and low notes and to compose a simple tune to represent a superhero.
In PSHE our unit is Families and committed relationships - The importance of family.
In Computing will learn about online safety- Posting and sharing online. Children will learn about programming by giving clear instructions to a Bee- Bot and explaining how it works.
In RE, our unit is which books and stories are important?
Previous learning
Spring 1
This term, our Geography enquiry question is: Are all countries in the UK the same? Children will learn about the four countries that make up the UK.
In English we will continue with the Place Value of Punctuation and Grammar unit. Then we will use the text 'Toys in space' to write a postcard, using the skills learnt in out PVPG unit.
In Maths we will learn about numbers to 20 and addition within 20.
In Science we will learn about animals including humans, by answering the enquiry question 'Do all animals have the same body parts? '
In Art, our unit is Chromatic. Our key question is: Does abstract art mean anything?
In PE, our unit is dance.
In Music we will learn about sound patterns.
In PSHE our unit is Caring and responsibility: Our special people.
In Computing children will develop keyboard and mouse skills by designing a rocket.
In RE. Which books and stories are important?
Autumn 2
This term, our history enquiry question is:
How has childhood changed in the last 100 years?
In our History lessons, children will experience what schools were like 100 years ago. Children will compare hobbies and past times from the past and the present, learn how homes were different in the past and how toys have changed over time.
In English we will complete a Place Value of Punctuation and Grammar unit concentrating on different nouns, verbs and clauses to create accurate sentence structure.
In Maths we will learn about addition and subtraction within 10 and 2D and 3D shapes.
In Science we will learn about animals including humans, by answering the enquiry question 'Do all animals have the same body parts? '
In DT we will explore different methods of joining fabric and then make a puppet using theses techniques.
n PE children will learn about team games.
In Music we will learn about Tempo. Children will use bodies and instruments to listen and respond to pieces of music with fast and slow speeds.
In PSHE/RHE we will learn about similarities and differences.
In Computing we learn about algorithms.
In RE we will learn about how we celebrate special events.
Autumn 1
In our first half term, our Geographical enquiry question is
What is the geography of Todmorden?
In our Geography lessons, we will look at the map of Todmorden, the human and physical features of Todmorden, and compare villages, towns and cities.
In English we will read traditional stories, build sentences and role play.
In Maths we will learn about numbers to 10 and part-whole within 10.
In Science will learn about everyday materials, by answering the enquiry question 'Which materials are suitable for an umbrella? '
In Art we will use pencils to create lines and shapes.
n PE children will learn about team games.
In Music we will learn about pulse.
In PSHE/RHE we will answer the question 'How can we make friends and get along?'
In Computing we learn how to use a mouse.
In RE we will learn about which books and stories are special.
Meet the staff
Mrs Nisah
Class teacher
Miss Paige
Support assistant
Miss Horne
Support assistant
Core text to support our learning in Year 1
Ferney Lee Road, Todmorden,
Lancs, OL14 5NR
01706 254848