Online Safeguarding
Here at Ferney Lee, we recognise online safety as a safeguarding issue and take it very seriously. It is our job, as educators, to ensure that our pupils are equipped with the skills and knowledge that are needed in our ever changing technological world.
- We aim to arm pupils with the skills to access life long learning and employment opportunities.
- Our current Computing scheme of work, provides pupils with opportunities to explore the many ways in which technology can enhance our lives and open up new ways of communication.
- Pupils are taught how to locate, retrieve and exchange information using a variety of web based resources and digital equipment.
- In order to maintain a safe, digital environment, school internet access is designed specifically for pupil use, with appropriate filters in place.
- School will take all reasonable precautions to prevent access to inappropriate material. However, due to the international scale and advances in technology, it is not possible to ensure that unsuitable material will never appear on a school device. Should this happen, any inappropriate content will be reported to our internet provider immediately.
- Pupils are given clear instructions for Internet use and are taught about acceptable usage.
- Pupils are educated in the effective use of internet research and are taught to be critically aware of information that they have found. They are encouraged to question, analyse and validate information before accepting its accuracy.
- Pupils are taught about both the benefits and the dangers of Social Media. They are taught never to divulge any personal details of any kind, that may identify themselves, other pupils, their school or location. This includes not using personal photographs or videos.
- Pupils are regularly made aware of the age restrictions on Social networking sites and are encouraged to adhere to these.
Help for parents and children
Parent's role in Online Safety
We all want the best for children and it's really important that children are protected from unsuitable online content and have a healthy balance between screen time and other activities.
Whilst at school, we do all we can to keep children safe including when using the internet. It is of course your responsibility, as parents, to make sure that you are aware of what your child is accessing whilst online at home or away from school.
We strongly recommend that you adhere to the age restrictions on Social Media apps and sites, They are as follows:
Facebook - 13yrs
Instagram - 13yrs
Snapchat - 13yrs
Twitter - 13yrs
Twitch - 13yrs
Tik-Tok - 13yrs
What's App - 16yrs
Live me - 17yrs
You Tube - 18yrs (13yrs with parental consent to open an account)
It is also important that you monitor how much time your child spends on their digital device. It's always a good idea to set up a timetable / rota where your child is allowed screen time.
Where possible, ensure that your child remains in the room with you at all times, during their allocated screen time.
Remember - games have an age limit too! These games may seem harmless enough but many of them have unsuitable content, including violence, swearing and drugs and alcohol. Seeing and hearing such inappropriate content could well affect your child's behaviour and wellbeing. Children have also been known to become addicted to such content.
Remember, also, that social media, text messaging etc can also expose your child to unsavoury messages and content - even from other children.
Always make sure that you monitor your child's online activity very very closely - right from the first time they access a device. Don't let them access online content unsupervised and think carefully before you buy your child a device or let them have online access. Set out strict ground rules to protect them. At school we do all we can to assist parents who have problems with their child's online activity but often, by the time the child has been accessing unsavoury online material at home, it's too late. Once that's happened, the content cannot be unseen.
Let's work together to keep children safe online.
Support for mental health
Top tips about children's devices at home
Online Safety Guides
Useful documents
Remember to stay SMART!
Are you worried about how someone is communicating with you online? Click the button below to report them and get support.
At Ferney Lee we want every child to reach their full potential. As such we give as much support as we can to any of our children who are feeling nervous, anxious or worried about anything during their time at school. Remember you can talk about any problem with any member of staff.
More support can also be found in the link below:
Open Minds also has a section on “Exam help & Support” for any children who want additional support.
Ferney Lee Road, Todmorden,
Lancs, OL14 5NR
01706 254848