“The best kept classroom and the richest cupboard are roofed only by the sky.”
Margaret McMillan (c1925).
Outdoor Learning opportunities
Opportunities to learn beyond the classroom are intrinsic to life at Ferney Lee.
We are very lucky to have a unique outdoor learning environment, which includes a woodland known as the Wild Garden, in addition to a dedicated horticultural area and a range of playground spaces.
We have been committed to Forest School here at Ferney Lee for many years, believing that by investing in Forest School we are
valuing each unique child.
These Forest School principles underpin our philosophy and children regularly access outside opportunities to consolidate their cognitive, social and collaborative skills. We facilitate a range of tasks for children to test out ideas and solve problems, tapping into their innate curiosity.
Children become skilled at directing their own learning, drawing on their experiences and understanding to make connections.
Adapting opportunities for children to learn in the outdoor environment ensures all of our children have an opportunity to succeed.
Forest School
The difference and the uniqueness that sets Forest School apart from other outdoor learning opportunities is the focus on the whole child and their development over a long term process - as opposed to learning a specific adult initiated outcome, outdoors. Our qualified Forest School Leaders work across the school, from our very youngest children in Nursery all the way through to Year 6.
Forest School enables us to see what a child needs next in order to grow as a learner. Through learner led exploration and careful observation, we gain an invaluable insight into the way in which a child learns; their motivation, their sense of self, their ability to communicate their ideas and collaborate with others, to name a few. We are often surprised by what we see, reminding us that the child we see in the classroom is only one part of the child. Our in-house Forest School provision provides a platform for us to support children to transfer their growth, skills and knowledge back into the classroom. These meaningful experiences can impact positively on all areas of learning and produce lifelong benefits.
Across their time at school our children will also have the opportunity to work with Mike, from Incredible Edible Farm - a local enterprise, to develop their horticultural skills and knowledge. They learn about seasonal plants, including growing, harvesting and selling produce to our families and local community. They help to maintain the dedicated areas and poly-tunnel, focusing on reusing and recycling materials wherever possible. Learning about sustainability and our impact on the climate is integral to the learning on offer. There is even the opportunity to care for the chickens which Mike brings along!
We strive to develop our RAINBOW Values in all our children - being Responsible, Adventurous, Independent, Never Giving Up, Believing in Yourself, keeping an Open-mind and being Well-mannered, so that they can engage fully with the innovative curriculum that we offer both inside and outside the classroom.
Ferney Lee Road, Todmorden,
Lancs, OL14 5NR
01706 254848